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Be Healed.

Live Free.

Roar Again.



Hi! My name is Renee Davidson. I am passionate about Jesus and pursuing God’s Presence. I have been married for 26 years and have three adult children. Made 2 Roar was birthed from my journey for physical healing and freedom. I battled chronic migraines and other unexplained medical issues for several years. My entire life was consumed with debilitating migraines and other issues leaving me incapable of caring for my husband and kids. Initially, I turned to multiple neurologists, holistic doctors, and chiropractors for help. I went to the Mayo Clinic to get answers but didn’t get any. I tried Eastern medicine, naturopathic remedies, dental therapies, etc.. I tried everything! I spent more money than I would like to admit on all these things without any relief from the pain. Instead of getting better, I only got worse.

Desperate for answers, I spent hours in prayer, Scripture, sermons, and books seeking answers for healing. God introduced me to the idea that there are spiritual roots to disease such as fear, anger, bitterness, unforgiveness, rejection, etc.. He then sent two women into my life to disciple me and minister freedom and healing to me. My life was forever changed by these ladies and God’s miraculous power. He loves to bring healing and wholeness to His children. I no longer need five medications and have been migraine-free since 2011. God truly restored my ROAR. My heart is to walk women into greater freedom and healing while teaching and imparting Truth that brings transformation.

Made 2 Roar exists to help women discover the roar God placed in them, bring healing and freedom so they can step into their destiny.

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How would you live differently if you experienced freedom from…

  • Fear, Anxiety, and Depression

  • Chronic Sickness and family health patterns

  • Anger, Resentment and Unforgiveness

  • Insecurity/Unworthiness

  • Rejection

  • Guilt and Shame

  • Mental Fog or Distractedness

You were created with a unique purpose to glorify God. Your purpose is a sound that can be hindered by emotional, physical, and spiritual issues. We want to RESTORE your ROAR!

We use the ROAR approach to maximize your sound. Through interactive prayer ministry, we uncover root issues and strengthen your connection with Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.


“I will restore you to health and heal your wounds declares the Lord.” Jeremiah 30:17


Ready to help?

Roar Again
